Over time, the use of renewable energy sources has increased, and both industrial and residential spaces are utilizing solar energy for several applications. Solar energy systems require several components to work efficiently, and solar transformers are one of them. Solar transformers help in converting the direct current (DC) generated by solar panels to usable alternating current (AC). It is considered one of the most crucial components of solar energy systems. That is why we advise buying these transformers from reliable Solar Transformer Manufacturers who offer efficient and high-quality solar transformers.
However, finding the right transformer manufacturer alone won’t help until and unless you are aware of the features of the transformer that you need to look for. In this blog, we are sharing all the key features that are essential to check when buying long-lasting and high-performing solar transformers.
Check the Size of the Solar Transformer
Depending on the solar energy system for which you require this transformer, the size of the transformer also varies. We at NEMR Industries Pvt. Ltd. manufacture both small and large transformers to meet varying demands. These transformers vary not only in size but also in configuration. For large solar energy systems with high energy loads, it is advised to buy high-efficiency solar transformers that can easily bear the load and perform efficiently for a long time. These transformers are usually large in size in comparison to those required for small solar energy systems that are installed at residential places.
Always Check the Voltage and Power Rating
When investing in solar transformers, always enquire about their voltage rating and buy according to your solar power system. Ensure that you buy it after knowing the output voltage rating of the solar panel and the input voltage rating of the electrical grid. Voltage rating fluctuates due to several factors, including the size of the solar system, the number of solar panels used, the electrical energy produced, and a few more. Do not ignore the voltage rating if you do not wish to face any trouble with the functioning of your solar power system.
Similarly, ask solar transformer manufacturers about their power ratings. The power rating for solar power systems installed for industrial purposes is usually high. Meanwhile, for the ones installed for residential purposes or small-scale commercial requirements, the power rating is lower.
Do Check the Quality and Durability
When it comes to testing the quality and durability, firstly, check if the solar transformer manufacturers you are considering are certified or not. Buying from certified manufacturers ensures that the manufacturers adhere to all the quality and industrial standards for manufacturing solar transformers. Other than that, check if the solar transformer offers excellent resistance to moisture, water, & harsh weather conditions. If they are manufactured using premium quality material, they will be able to withstand several environmental conditions with ease and will offer long-lasting performance.
Other than these features, we also advise checking if the Solar Transformer Manufacturers are offering a warranty on the transformer or not. Though it is not a part of the features, buying solar transformers with a warranty ensures that they are of reliable quality. We at NEMR Industries Pvt. Ltd. offer solar transformers and other transformers with warranties. We also offer after-sales service to all our customers and ensure that they are completely satisfied with our products.